017 – Stop Stalling

Our kids need to hear this episode, right?  I mean, they use every trick in the book to stall when it comes to bedtime.  Or chores, or homework.

Why?  And why is it, that we do it as parents as well!

Stop the procrastination.  Stop stalling in what you MUST get done.

Change the language in your own head.  Instead of “have to’s”, you know have “must do’s” to achieve what you set out to do.

I want you to check out Brian Tracey’s book, “Eat That Frog” and you’ll see how to tackle the procrastination monster and supercharge your day.

You take the most unpleasant thing you have to do and get it done first thing and you’ll be amazed at how light you feel after and how much energy you will get to finish more.

Listen in for more.

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