040 – Pi Day

Here’s a new take on Pi Day – instead of using it as an excuse to gorge on delicious pie, we can instead take a look at the function of Pi… CIRCLES!!  Or, in this case, plates and clocks.


  1.  Dinner Plate
  2. Clock

Point 1:  Your Dinner Plate

  • We’ve been taught to eat via the food pyramid or “myplate” but here’s an upgrade.
  • 1/2 of your plate needs to be veggies.  Not fruit, veggies.  After that, eat what you normally eat.
    • Wait?  You mean don’t give anything up?  That’s right, stop with quitting and really win by adding.
    • Adding in a 1/2 plate of veggies before you eat anything else will help fill you up with good stuff first.
    • Great fiber, good antioxidants, win-win.

Point 2:  Power Hour

  • Movement, fuel, meditation, journaling, notes for your family, and learning for your business all included.
  • Get focused and start your day with this and it’s like you have already won your day in the first hour.
  • Google “power hour”, “Morning success ritual”, or “The Miracle Morning”

Point 3:  Clean and Prep

  • Set a timer and clean like mad for 30 minutes.  Good exercise and if you do this daily then you won’t have to have a marathon cleaning session on the weekends.
  • If you prepped for your next day for 30 minutes, you already set the tone for success.  (it won’t take 30 minutes).  But set out your clothing (work and workout), prep lunch or breakfast, set out your Bible, etc.

Poing 4:  Family Time

  • Put the phone away or shut off the TV for one hour.
  • Most families are spending more time together than in the past, but it’s in front of a TV or their phones.
  • Not really quality time, is it?

So, there you have it.  A new “Pi” day challenge for you.  If you liked this podcast, please subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher or Google Play.  And since you don’t pay for this content that means you have an obligation to actually put into action what I suggest and to share this with a friend or family member.  Thank you and goodnight!

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