014 – The Stop Doing List

And here is a preview video that I sent my patients in December…

This changed how I did my New Year’s Resolutions to FINALLY WORK!

Instead of adding more things, more crap to do – I stopped the insanity and instead created a list of what I needed TO STOP!  This has given me more focus and obviously more time for my priorities.

What to do:

In business: what is is the main thing you do that you make the most money doing?  Then you should be working towards only doing that!  Delegate, reassign, hire out, or get rid of all the rest.  Yes, it’s sometimes scary giving up control if you own your own business.

At Home:  how can you split up duties with your partner or even delegate to your kids.  Bonus points if you can ask your kids what you need to stop doing.  They may be willing to take on some of those duties for rewards or privileges.

Personally:  I gave up yard work.  I used to pay for it, but my wife wanted to start doing it because she can “zen out” when she does it.  It gives me time to focus on the kids instead and invest in those relationships.  I also gave up folding my oldest daughter’s laundry.  She would tear through her clothes, ruining any folding, and also throw clean clothing into the wash.  Now (she’s almost six), she folds her own clothes.  Yes, the first time she complained a lot.  But now, we fold clothes together and it has turned into special time for us, since I am captive to her questions, her knock knock jokes, and really just a great time with her.  Win-win!

Your Challenge: listen to the episode for more!

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