016 – Meditation is Not for Wimps (feat. Alisha Fanning)

My wife joins me again today and discusses one of her passions – meditation.  Now, I will admit to all of you deal listeners, that I have been wrong when I have discussing meditation.  I practice something that would be better described as “taking a moment to set intention and purpose”.  I take small breaks during the day to take 2-8 minutes to refocus and get my intention and purpose set for the upcoming circumstance.  What my wife has taught me recently is the benefits to actually practicing meditation.

1.  Show up with all your issues, with no intention to change.

– Take in the moment, happy or cranky, and focus on self-reflection and a good self check-in.

2.  You don’t need a special spot to meditate.  Alisha has a 3×3 piece of carpet in our bedroom, I have been meditating in the past in a moment.  So, in the car, in my office, in the bathroom if needed.  But I was wrong (yes, my love, you were right).  And now I meditate totally differently.  But man, what a ride!  It is recommended now by most of the top performers and definitely a top too in maximizing time and productivity.  Stressed?  Overwhelmed?  Oddly enough, the last thing people consider is slowing down and a moment to sharpen the saw.

Your homework. Listen in and take a look at some of the great resources we drop to you!

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