075 – Let’s Get Busy

The Point

I have a guilty pleasure of watching people actually spend more time and energy trying to be lazy and take a short cut.  Like a guy that won’t get out of his seat to pick something up that he dropped and so he takes 3-5 minutes straining his foot to drag it to him.  Or a kid that will throw an epic fit for minutes for something that would take a few seconds.

You know, we do that at all ages.  We are addicted to easy.  But we are also addicted to “busy”.

Main Points

  • EVERYONE thinks they are busy!  Whether you own several companies or you’re unemployed or retired.  Or have 6 kids or none at all.  Or if you have a wife or completely single.   You’ve all been sold on the lie that you’re busy.
  • You’re distracted by things that just fill the time, filling the gaps.
  • Instead lets create time and fill it with actual production or time to connect with yourself or family.

Action Steps

  • White Belt:  Identify where you are consistently wasting 10 minutes.  How could you better use 10 minutes to improve your life.
  • Blue Belt:   Identify one chore or activity you have to do on a regular basis and how can you delegate or outsource it to open up more time.  What are you going to fill that time with?  Reading? One on One time with kids?
  • Black Belt:  Do the Above.  AND… schedule your down time… the do whatever I want time, but set a timer and stick to it.  So, if you want 30 minutes guilt free time at lunch and at night.  Write it down and use a timer.  Report back how this goes.

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